Friday, June 7, 2024

Spray Graffiti Masks


I made this tag for my Always List at EFR. You can grab this checking in Extra.

-Please do not claim as your own.-
-Please do not alter in anyway-
-Please do not add names or any text-

Here is my new mask set, Spray Graffiti Masks 2024 1-4
I used Mask 2 from the set in this tag. The gorgeous tube is by Alehandra Vanhek & you can pick it up HERE at VMArtists. The adorable scrap kit to match is "Sk8r Girl" available HERE at Doodle by Design.

4 FTU PU Masks 

To Download Set Click HERE

If you don't want the whole set you may grab them individually by clicking on the mask you want to enlarge then right click & save.

If any Tut writers or forum moderators wish to use for a tut or challenge feel free, just link them to the blog for download please!

Love Word Art

 This Wordart is Free to us for Personal Use Only

-Please do not claim as your own.-
-Please do not alter in anyway-
-Please do not add names or any text-

***Click on Images to save full size***

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Poison Ivy Tutorial


This tut was created by me on 6/2/24 & is only the 2nd tutorial I have ever written lol. It is a very simple start so I can ease my way into doing tutorials. Hopefully I get better at this lol

“Poison Ivy” Tutorial

By Kathy’s PSP Designs 2024

Supplies HERE

Tube I used is "Dryad" by ©MaryArt HERE

This Tut assumes you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro. I use PSP 2022 but it can be done in any version. Any similarities to other tuts is purely coincidental. I made this up as I went with my own imagination. Results will vary depending on items used.

Scrapkit of Choice or the one I used is “Forest Elf 22” available HERE at Curious Creative Dreams. I suggest ones with lots of greenery/leaves.

Filters Used:

Graphics Plus Kaleidoscope

DSB Flux Blast

Xero Fritillary

Mask is Vix Mask 469 HERE

Font is Sage Leaves from HERE

1.      Open a transparent canvas 650x650.

2.      Open the tube of choice, copy & paste to your blank canvas & resize to your liking. I use a drop shadow of

3.      Open the paper from the supplies, add a new layer to your canvas, select all.

 Copy the paper & paste as a new layer. Select none.

4.      Staying on your paper layer, apply your mask of choice or the one I used, Vix Mask 469 HERE. I open the mask then go back to my canvas on the layer I want to apply the mask to. Click Layers, New Mask Layers, From Image then select the mask in the source window drop down list with source luminance checked & invert mask date not checked & hit OK.

5.      Delete mask raster layer 1, right click on the top mask layer, click merge, merge group. At this point you can duplicate if you want it darker, merge down or just add the same drop shadow.

6.      Open your frame of choice & position it under your tube layer. Duplicate your tube layer & move the copy underneath the frame layer. Now on your top tube layer use your eraser with these settings.

 Erase the parts of the tube covering your frame. Then choose your bottom tube layer & erase any of it showing out from under your frame that is showing where you don’t want it.

7.      Copy & Paste another copy of your tube layer right above the mask layer.

8.      Apply the Graphics Plus Kaleidoscope filter with the following settings

9.      Apply the DSB Flux filter Blast with the following settings

Apply the Xero Fritillary filter with these settings

10. Resize this layer if you need to.

11. At this point arrange any scrap items you are using as you wish.

12. Add your name.

13. When finished to your liking add appropriate ©info and merge visible layers.

14. Save as a .png.

 Again this is new to me so forgive any goofs. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by. 



June 2024 Checkers Masks 1-4

Checkers Masks 2024 1-4

4 FTU PU Masks 

To Download Set Click HERE

If you don't want the whole set you may grab them individually by clicking on the mask you want to enlarge then right click & save.

If any Tut writers or forum moderators wish to use for a tut or challenge feel free, just link them to the blog for download please!


Tulips Extras


I made this forum set for my always list at Escape from Reality Forum  

and thought I would do some snags for it as well. I just loved this tube, "White Tulips 2"  by Alex Prihodko which is available at Pics For Designs Pics For Designs. I paired it with gorgeous tagger kit, "Bouquet of Tulips" available at Tiny turtle Design HERE

-Please do not claim as your own.-
-Please do not alter in anyway-
-Please do not add names or any text-

Click HERE to grab the set or just the ones you want

You can find all my Extras HERE

Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 2024 New Grunge Masks

 Grunge Masks 2024 1-4

4 FTU PU Masks 

To Download Set Click HERE

If you don't want the whole set you may grab them individually by clicking on the mask you want to enlarge then right click & save.

If any Tut writers or forum moderators wish to use for a tut or challenge feel free, just link them to the blog for download please!


Thursday, February 15, 2024

New PTU Tutorial & Cluster Frame by Pammers

Hop over to Pammer's Passions to check her new tutorial " Celestial" using my tagger kit "Celestial Forest" HERE 


So pretty! She used a gorgeous tube by Caroline Seabra at


Love this celestial cluster frame Pammers did using my "Celestial Forest" available HERE.

You can download it on her blog HERE